An easier way to assign and deploy tasks

Product definition + User flows + HiFi wireframing
Project Overview
As part of its ever growing portfolio, Autodesk conceived Quark as a way to ease the process of delivering construction parts for curtain wall building.
My Contributions
As part of the UX Team, my challenges included doing benchmark research into Autodesk's own portfolio and Human Interface Guidelines, as well as be part of ideation processes to deal with content dense environments.

Sketching and high definition wireframes were also among my tasks, understanding the company's own growing design system.
Tasks for each of the playing roles are assigned across the product, but it needed a way to simplify the flow of designating parts creation in multiple locations.

Given several levels of navigation permission on Quark, the need arose to define a clear navigation pathway for the administrator panel.In order to give admin level users a seamless experience at the time of creating new projects and adding new users to those projects, a navigation map was needed before starting the wireframing process for the feature pages.Establishing this navigation flow was key in placing action components, as well as a redefinition of the feature to trim unnecessary actions.
Autodesk (through Globant)
Jr Product Designer
Jul 2017 — Apr 2018